Day Complete.

November 22, 2002 6:58 a.m.

I had the most interesting morning. I talked all morning to someone and it turns out I really do suck at literati; he put my name to shame. That�s basically all I did was play games with him and talk, lol. And my day seems already complete by just talking to him. Weird, huh? I guess you can never tell who you'll run into on the 'Information Super-Highway'. There's a few good people still left out there I'm sure. And I found one.

I was walking by my cat this morning too who was laying in the living room and I noticed that he was just staring. So I stopped to see what he was staring at, and my sister's hermit crab was walking around on the outside of his tank! I tried to crab him and put him back in, but he was nearly coming all the way out of his shell to pinch me. Yes I know I'm a big baby, and man are those things ugly. We still have no clue how he got out of his tank. It'll probably be another unsolved mystery in the _______ (laugh it up) household.

I'm still not over being sick. My throat is hurting really bad, I think it may be strep. So I'm going to the doctors later on. And I HATE going to the DOCTORS, mainly cause every time I go I have to get a new shot. I think they enjoy pricking me, because they no I am petrified of needles. Bah! More then likely they'll say "oh you haven't had a Hepatitis Y shot." Just to prick me. I'm a huge baby, yet, I'm willing to get my lip pierced. Hmmm doesn't make sense does it? Eh oh well, not everything has to. I'll probably write in my diary later tonight too. I have nothing else to do with my time. >

Quote Of The Moment: "Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." --Harvey Fierstein