Christmas Eve.

December 24, 2002 12:29 p.m.

Christmas Eve is here! And in our house it's tradition to open up one present on Christmas Eve night. But unlike the past 19 years of my life�today we opened them at one in the afternoon. My mom got her dryer, Alexis got her Yugi-Oh trainers deck card, whatever the hell that is, Jera got the 4 bottles of cologne he's been wanting, John got the receiver for his home theater system, so they all got really great gifts, with the exception of me! I specifically told my mother that I did not want clothes, unless I could pick them out. Every year she buys me crap I'll never use, like bath crystals, granny panties (which is very embarrassing to open in front of your brother), lotions and now turtle necks! But of course being the person I am, I acted like I liked it.

Maybe when I'm about 45-50 I'll be able to wear it, because it's meant as an old lady turtle neck. Anyone could plainly see this; evidently my mom is the exception to the rule. Hopefully tomorrow my gifts will be a little better. I know Christmas isn't about getting gifts, but if you're already going to buy me a gift, why not buy me something I'll like? I'll never understand people, especially my mom. I did not send Matt his gift because he didn�t want me to buy him something in the first place, and he got upset that I went out and bought it. So now I�ll have to keep it until he 'allows' me to send it. I hope everyone got their Christmas e-card. They were free, so he can�t get mad for me sending that =P .

In diary news- I�m so glad that Vikki unlocked her diary, and I�m glad the quote helped =) Grant ( I love his name) has added me to his favorite diaries list. I apologize for not updating my cast and forgetting some people, but I just haven�t gotten around to updating it. I have a lot of people to add to my favorite diaries list also. Well not a lot... more like three. I only add diaries that I read constantly, which are usually diaries that are updated on a regular basis, and of which I find interesting. But don't feel bad if you're not added, it doesn't mean I don't like your diary. If I read your diary and leave you notes or sign your guestbook, I do like your diary, otherwise I wouldn't bother with it, I'm just very selective on favorites, I'm sure you can relate. In any case, I will be updating very soon, that's basically what I was trying to get across.

It's pouring down rain outside, it's so nice it's making it a lot cooler outside, it's 72 right now. I'm use to -10 weather, so this is all new to me, but I love Florida because it rains a lot. But the rain can get scary around 'Hurricane Season'. Arwen is scared she's hiding under the coffee table, she's so cute. Oh yeah and for my avid readers, my knee is feeling better, I was able to take the ace bandage off and I went to the doctor on Friday and he gave me some more pain killers, just in case. So I don't have to hobble anymore lol. Oh it's going to be a long day... nevertheless a good day, since Christmas is less than 24 hours away! Merry Christmas Everyone!

Quote Of The Moment: The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn't for any religious reasons. They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin. --Jay Leno