Ah, It's Working!

August 08, 2005 7:32 a.m.

My ass is hurting, I've been in this chair for so long, at first it was to make this diary, and get everything transfered. Now I got all caught up in making an image slideshow thing, and then I couldn't get it to work, but I finally figured out wat I was doing wrong. You can view them here and here. I'm trying hard to get caught up on Dland before we leave on Tuesday, because there is just no way I am dealing with dial up again.

Today I have to call and have everything turned off (utility wise) and go up to my work to pick up my paycheck (they know I'm packing to move today) and then tonight at about midnight Mike and I have to go to Wal-Mart to try and find some more boxes. I'm too cheap to PAY for boxes. Pshyeah.

If no one read the entry as to why I moved then click here!