You Think You Know, But You Have No Idea.

101 random facts of Sommer

1. My name is Sommer, it's German, and means "Summer" and pronounced the same way.

2. I was born on May, 15th, that makes me a Taurus and stubborn.

3. I was born in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

4. I�ve lived in several states, because my mom always moved us.

5. I have one brother (Jera) 1 year older than me.

6. I have one sister (Alexis) 10 years younger than me.

7. I have three step siblings, even though I only really count two (Kevin and Brittany and I guess Mike, too).

8. My real dad died when I was 10.

9. I was raised by my mom and we were almost always considered a "low income family."

10. I love snow. Just not shoveling it

11. I use to have a major overbite, thank God for Braces!

12. I love Orange pop.

13. I feel in love when I was 20 and I'm still in love with the same person.

14. I am a people person, but I have no idea why.

15. All my life we�ve had at least three dogs and three cats.

16. I sprung my collar bone when I was eight.

17. My favorite state is Texas.

18. If I could live anywhere in the world it�d be New Zealand.

19. I dread "short-talk/small talk".

20. My desktop always has some random celebrity on there from Sandra Bullock to Brad Pitt.

21. I use to get in a lot of fights; they seemed unavoidable at the time�

22. I was raised to believe in God, but it was never really indented into me.

23. I put my dog to sleep when I was 12. One of my saddest memories.

24. I don't like to be touchy-feely.

25. I use to aspire to be a film-maker, now I want to be a radiologist.

26. I don't get angered easily.

27. I have animals that live with my mom 1 cat (Ace) and one dog (Jenna) and I have my other dog (Oso) who lives with me.

28. I highlight words in books that I don't understand, so that I can look up the meaning later.

29. Autumn is my favorite season.

30. I am straight, but not narrow.

31. I try to be loyal and honest as possible, but I love to get discounts, so I try to talk my way into them ;).

32. Sometimes I can be too critical and harshly blunt.

33. My Glass is half-full.

34. I have a strong love for animals and their treatment.

35. I cried during the Lion King!

36. I used to be infatuated with Hanson and Jonathan Taylor Thomas or as I called him JTT. (you read that right)

37. My favorite thing to do online is be on Diaryland reading diaries.

38. My best friend is Holly, sadly I use to have several, but I guess you find out who your real friends are.

39. I�m a huge Clay Aiken Johnny Depp and Ryan Gosling fan.

40. I enjoy sneaking candy into the movie theaters.

41. I love Skittles.

42. Johnny Depp is my all time favorite Actor.

43. I can be complicated.

44. I only drink bottled water unless is like Kool-Aid

45. I taught myself sign-language through library books.

46. I think the majority of girls are annoying (no offense, cause this includes me.)

47. I thought I was a speed reader until I met my now boyfriend, Mike.

48. I use to be addicted to Fuzzy posters... now I never buy them.

49. I love it when it rains.

50. I detest superficiality.

51. I love the memory foam on my bed.

52. Linkin Park is my musical preference.

53. I love to design layouts and code HTML for fun, heh.

54. You'll usually find me sleeping or watching a good movie.

55. On my I.Q. test I scored 126, and no I don't mean an online I.Q.test.

56. I use to own well over 400 movies and sold all but like 120 to my mom, because I never watched them after I bought them.

57. I can't stand stupidity, seriously it fucking irritates me.

58. Ebonics does too.

59. Life is never easy for me, but I accept the cards that I'm dealt.

60. I don't get depressed easily, but when I do, I shut the world out.

61. I want to have kids, three to be exact and in this order: boy girl girl

62. I love to swim.

63. I spend way to much time on my nails and trying to make them look pretty and the next day my paint chips off :(.

64. I only trust two people 100%, and sadly it's none of my family, not 100% anyways.

65. I�ve met Dave Draiman of Disturbed, and Jim Carrey, both were really cool, but I like Jim the best.

66. That 70's show is my favorite TV, show.

67. Light-hearted humor works for me.

68. I love sarcastic humor too (David Spade).

69. My idol is everyday people that become everyday heroes, I want to strive to better others lives as well as my own.

70. One day I hope to be doing something in film genre.

71. I'm addicted to the internet.

72. I only like hand made blankets.

73. My aunt use to baby sit Alice Cooper.

74. I would be classified as a 'loner'.

75. I don't do drugs of any sort, although I have smoked the peace pipe before, a long time ago.

76. I believe I can do whatever I want to do.

77. I follow my heart, and it often gets me into trouble.

78. I'm an animal lover that plans to have a huge yard and 2 horses, 4 dogs, 4 cats and 2 rabbits.

79. I use to volunteer at our local animal shelter and at the salvation army, but I've moved and have yet to do it again.

80. I've had my front teeth go straight through my bottom lip when I was eleven, and still have the scars.

81. I always win at monopoly. Always. And Scrabble.

82. I don't follow trends. I wear what's comfy.

83. I don't believe that there are coincidences, although I use that word a lot.

84. I know some German, some French and sign language.

85. I'm afraid of what lurks in the dark.

86. By habit I lock doors behind myself.

87. I hate large crowds.

88. I'm very Closter phobic.

89. Bugs scare me, even the monarch butterfly.

90. I've seen Lord of the Rings- Fellowship of the rings 68 times now.

91. I've written four screen plays, 1 which was mailed out to Miramax. (2-1-03) heh. and never heard back from.

92. I criticize myself a lot, I call it constructive though.

93. If you read this far, please tell me what drugs you're taking?

94. I live in a two bedroom 1 bath apartment with my boyfriend and my dog.

95. I don't believe in anything paranormal.

96. I believe everything happens for a reason.

97. I don't believe in superstitions, If I break a mirror... oh well.

98. I can't sleep with ANY door open, closet, entrance, etc.

99. I'm a 'tree hugger'.

100. I'm a humanist.

101. Chances are, you'll never really know me, and by now I'm sure you're glad =o)