My Dollar Is Worth Less Than Yours!

October 1, 2008 3:23 p.m.

I already make less than what is expected of me to make and the fact that the falling dollar is going to keep falling makes me wonder how much longer I can live off of what use to be considered "good" pay for Marion county. I am terrified for our economy and the people who make substantially less than I do...

Especially considering that in the last 20 years the federal government has behaved less responsibly than most teenagers with their first credit card, what else could we expect? I guess what happens when you issue more I.O.U.s than you could ever possibly repay!

Falling dollars and rampant inflation on the horizon, too late to change that. The only questions are how hard will we hit bottom? And how can we begin to rise from those ashes?

5 more weeks until we can take our first major step!