Fifth Of July.

July 05, 2005 8:03 p.m.

​​​​I wish I could say that I did something fun yesterday, considering the holiday and all, but nope. All I did was wake up at the ass crack of dawn to go to my ever repetitive job. I worked there until five and bought Mike a card and a Cheesecake (his favorite) and some watermelon (also his favorite). I had every intention on at least staying up to watch fire works with Mike and to be romantic but We started watching XXX-Triple X, not the porn, the Vin Diesel movie, and I feel asleep on Mikes lap. That happened at about 8pm and I continued to sleep until almost eleven this morning.

So I slept through the loud fireworks, the annoying Mexican kids below us and the happy hippies� I feel kind of bad about it because it must not have been any fun for Mike, but then again we don�t have the kind of money you can have fun with� and please no one hand me that bullshit that it doesn�t take money to have fun, because that would in fact, be bullshit. I was in no shape to go out anyway, I was plain exhausted by the time I hit the couch to watch the movie.

Job hunting will begin again tomorrow for Mike and I will enjoy another day off and maybe go swimming, it depends on how many kids I see in the pool, any more than five and you�re asking to be kicked in the face my some random swimmer-by. And with tomorrows agenda at hand I close this.

And I Quote: �There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right in America.� -William I did not have sexual relations with that woman Clinton