
June 02, 2005 12:37 a.m.

Tomorrow (technically today) Mike starts his first day of school. I dropped him off at the hotel roughly two hours ago. It�s the first night in almost a year that I have not had him with me, and it makes me realize how much I do miss and need him� I feel so insecure and vulnerable when he�s not around me, he is my security blanket and I say that with pride heh, sad eh? A grown ass women who needs a security blanket like an infant.

The weeks will go by fast *crosses fingers* It�ll be rough, but I�ll be tough like Stallone in Rocky, Rocky I not Rocky III. Er, whatever Rocky it was that he won in, after the first Rocky they all went downhill any way. Oh yeah and today was also my first day back as a corporate lemming. And you know what I don�t mind at all, because at least this way I will start to get paid again and feel the American Dollar burning its hole into my pocket.

Oh well, I�m off to occupy myself by any means necessary, and this includes and is not limited to: Playing Luminex, literati or Pool, surfing the web, Chinese checkers, reading entries, downloading music, watching Family Guy, cashing my hard earned American dollars into quarters and freezing them to throw at Hud (most likely).