A Lot of Bitching, A Lot of Moaning.

August 18, 2005 8:08 p.m.

I can�t believe how fast this week has flown by. A crappy week, but how could it have been any better when you live with the two people that really know how to push the right buttons? We�re still waiting for Mikes check to be mailed to the RIGHT address; they mailed his check to the old address even though he gave the lady the new address. Damn, incompetent people annoy the piss out of me. On the other hand Mike has successfully transferred jobs to the Office Depot here. He�s on his fifth day of work now, and he hates every minute of it. I will be officially transferred on Friday and start my first day of work on Saturday, and I�m sure I will hate it too, let me explain why...

When you deal with customers in retail, it�s a pain in the ass, but it�s more of a pain in the ass when you have NO customers, because you�re bored and time just creeps by. In Georgia I was working at the highest volume store, which kept us busy. Now, I will be working at the lowest volume store. In Georgia I was guaranteed at least 30 hours a week. Here I�m lucky to get 24 (15 will be about the average)! In Georgia I had the opportunity to advance quickly at my job. Here they are crunching the hours. They said it�s not impossible to advance; it just takes longer than normal. Top-out pay in Georgia is $14.00 for my position, and its $10.00 here for my position.

I can�t pay my bills at $150 dollars a week. (And that�s taking taxes out of a 24 hour pay week) I can�t do it! So I took a job at Blockbuster again. What does this mean? I will probably be more irritable, because Blockbuster customers piss me off with their never ending questions: Do you have this one movie with a dog in? Or Can I get this movie free since you didn�t have the movie I wanted? No and No. And the Blockbuster I work at will be having a lot of old people there, because it�s out in retire-ama. Well I gotta do what I gotta do, and working two jobs will have me burned out, but what other choices do I have?

I�m really wishing I would�ve never moved to begin with and I could still have my over $10.00 an hour job, my dignity, and my peace of mind. But no, I had to play it stupid, and move on a whim. I seriously think that the world is out to get me. And I get mad at Mike, even though I know it�s my fault for moving in the first place I should�ve just said �no.� I find it easier to lay the blame on him for not having a job almost the whole time I�ve been with him. I think about life without him a lot, and I know it�s wrong, but I sometimes think it would be better. I feel obligated to take care of him, when I feel inside that I should be young, having fun and dating. Instead, I�m feeling older than I ever have, rarely having fun and full of more stresses than I have ever imagined. Part of life is growing up, man, that sucks.

My Ultimate Conclusion: Maybe I�m just destined to be unhappy?