December Already.

December 03, 2005 1:25 p.m.

Good news, Sommer is still employed. At first they tried their sneaky ways to corner me in and admit something that never happened, but I've watched CSI, I know how their minds and tricks work ;) They still think two people from my work are stealing, so they're pretending that the investigation is over with so that they might be able to catch the two. The two people that they think are stealing are the only two people I don't like at my store, so I'm hoping they do get fired. I know, how nice of me.

Mikes ankle is now the size of a golf ball instead of a tennis ball, and it has a huge purple/brown bruise on it, so I know it had to hurt. It's feeling better for him, so that's a good thing... Freddy, has not called me back in over a week and he has all my thanksgiving pictures, so it's kind of pissing me off. I guess I'll have to be stalker-ish and show up at his work, all casual like. The good news is, Freddy is supposed to be purchasing me a $100 dollar radar detector for $55 dollars with his discount, so I'm eger to get that too, it's my Christmas present to me (along with Disney Scene It).

Oh wait, I have more good news, and being totally sarcastic, my wisdom tooth is starting to crown out over my gums. It fucking hurts! And my insurance won't kick in until two weeks from now, and who can afford to get it extracted right around Christmas time? Right. Not me. I've already sunk $400 into Christmas presents, and I'm only half way done. Anyhow I need to start sending out my Christmas cards and quit putting it off. If you want me to send you a Christmas card, which I gladly will, just email me with your address.

And I Quote: "I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada." -Britney Spears