I Love A Klutz.

November 30, 2005 2:01 a.m.

My Loss Prevention Manager thinks we have some huge internal theft problem (employee theft problem) at my store, because he's a fucking moron. Tomorrow, well, to be technical, today is the day that begins the Loss Prevention interviews at my store. I don't do everything by the book, I can be a slacker (big surprise right?) and do things half-assed. I'm afraid he may ask me "Do you do all your closing procedures 100%?" I don't want to get fired over some bullshit like that, and I don't want to lie either since this guy "can tell if you're lying" With his CIA background and all. I guess I'll just have to 'roll with the punches' so to speak and just tell him what they want to hear... I'll let you know if I'm still employed by tomorrow.

Besides the boring stuff known only as work, Mike has sprained his ankle and I'd say it's a little smaller than the size of a tennis ball right now. Poor guy. I came home and rubbed some icy-hot on it and now the whole room smells of vapor, ich. Mike's kind of a klutz though, he fell off the bed yesterday, just fell. He was sitting up, turned around and just fell. But it's not out of character for him, because he does this a lot. Yes, he's that klutzy, but some how, I find it a cute [quality] in him. I hope he feels better tomorrow and that the swelling goes down, I hate when there's nothing I can do to alleviate the pain and burden of injuries. I'll keep Mr.Diary here posted... that is if I'm not fired and can still pay for my internet connection ;)

And I Quote: "I didn't *break* it, I was merely testing its durability, and I *placed* it in the woods cause it's made of wood and I thought he should be with his family." -Happy Gilmore