Four Brothers.

August 25, 2005 4:06 p.m.

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I�ve written my brother four times and he has only received two letters! Jail sucks. Speaking of Brothers, I forgot to mention that almost a week ago now, I went and saw the movie �Four Brothers� and it was fucking great. I cried, I laughed, and it was good. Okay so I almost cried once, but still� I was with my friend so I can�t really ruin my hard-ass reputation, no? Mark Wahlberg was awesome, I loved how it ended, and he was such a badass. Most girls are attracted to the bad boys; I guess I�m one of them. Of course, his character only, because I always think �Marky-Mark� when I see him. He was definitely no Marky-Mark in this movie. So I think everyone should see it. They made Detroit look really bad, it�s not that bad.

Well Tim paid $50 to put us on the waiting list at the apartment (the $50 will get applied to the security deposit), we put that we don�t want to move in until after the 30th of September, that way we can all get caught up on bills. I really need to get up-to-date on all those Georgia Bills. So far I�ve only paid one: The Newspaper. $24 dollars. It�s a start on the right track. Oso still doesn�t have a girlfriend, I didn�t really like the looks of the other Chihuahua I saw, she was really big and had long legs, and Oso couldn�t even mount that. I�m still on the look-out. Well I guess I better find out my new work schedule for The Buster.

And I quote: Hope you're not intending, To be so condescending. It's as much as I can take and you're so independent you just refuse to bend so I keep bending till I break. �Staind