The Groggy.

February 02, 2006 5:15 p.m.

I just came home from work, and I feel like complete ass. I'm tired and groggy, but I can't fall asleep, to take a nap. The day went by sooo slow, I think there were moments at work that I was sleeping. I started to talk to Carol (an older lady at work) about trying to get out of the corporation I am with. She thinks it's a bad idea because I�ve already invested three years of my life into this job. I can see where�s she�s coming from, but damn, how much longer can I deal with the dumb customers, and their even dumber questions? Probably not much longer as I already have become quite bitter in my young age.

I need a change. I want something more challenging, and even more money, of course more money... My problem is that I'm always afraid to take that first step. I'm afraid it'll be the wrong step, and I don't want to burn any bridges. I wish life just took me by the hand and would lead me where to go, life would be so much easier and pleasant.

Anyway, enough of that. I can hear Maury in the background, damn white trash, making all of us look bad. Just when I think my problems are super huge, I hear Maury. Good ole dependable Maury. How do you not know who your baby�s daddy is? Sluts. I've just noticed this is like my third entry involving Chung lover. It is now confirmed that I really do have no life. So now I'm going to eat cake.

And I Quote: "Nothing seems worthy of writing down." - Madrigle