I'd Rather be Working...

April 06, 2006 2:41 a.m.

My first interview with the bank went awesome. They called me this afternoon for my second interview, but when the bank called I just so happened to be in another interview with another company, so I couldn�t answer my cell. By the time I was done with the other interview (which took 21/2 hours) I called the lady back at the bank but all I got was her voicemail. I left her a message, hopefully she�ll call me back tomorrow with a second interview time.

I have another interview tomorrow with another place, just to put my name out there in case it comes down to the end of the month and I still don�t have a job, I�ll need to keep my options open. As far as schools go I�m still searching for one, it�s hard to find one that you can do mostly online, heh. Maybe if I work at the bank I�ll have a set schedule and can just go to the college right up the road, but we�ll see�Everything is going good on my end of the world. I�ve decided to give up on the Analyzers, my hearts not in it anymore and I never have time to do the reviews anyhow. Hopefully it can go to a good new home.