I'd Say No.

February 16, 2005 5:40 p.m.

Mike�s sister called us on Valentines Night wanting to know if Mike�s brother could stay the night �of all nights! Mike said �No�, which is exactly what I wanted him to say. Valentines wasn�t as good for me as I had hoped it to be, but it wasn�t a completely wasted day. I enjoyed Mike�s company ;)

The next morning was work which I always think is bullshit. After work I invited my best friend over to pick up his Valentines candy that I forgot to give him. Mike and I were sitting on the couch watching some crappy program from our even crappier channel selection. We heard a knock on the door, and of course, I, being my lazy self just yelled �come in!� When who to my not-so-surprised appeared? Mikes Homeless brother and his bossy sister.

She asked (not him!) �Can Jeffrey stay here tonight; he has no where else to stay?� I responded with �I don�t care it�s up to Mike.� Mike replied with �Yes.� Damn it all to hell. I�ve heard horror stories of his brother, about being a thief and shit, so of course I didn�t want him in my house, but I dealt. He stayed.

I gave him shelter, food, body hygiene supplies and a home cooked meal. And he left me wonderful presents like: Hair in the sink, a messy bed, dirty dishes, and dirty socks on my floor. He even helped himself to Mike�s game systems; leaving the controllers on the floor me to wrap up.

I think if Mike and I ever get married, I�d want to keep my last name.

Quote of the Moment: "Well, I have all your equipment in my locker. You should probably come get it cause I can't fit my numchucks in there anymore." --Napoleon Dynamite