Begining To Feel A Lot Like...

October 26, 2005 9:02 p.m.

I just got off work and stopped at McDonalds with Mike and Tim, I got a happy meal and they had some huge as grease loaded fatty burger, of course my nuggets aren�t much better, and it smells like Christmas outside and the world has my attention. I love the smell of Christmas/Winter. Anyhow, I think everyone can tell that we survived hurricane Wilma! Actually all we had here were strong winds, well Wilma did help the cold front get here a bit faster. Monday I was swimming in the pool and today I�m bundled up like an Eskimo in a snow storm. The cold front came quick and hard! I guess it�s not really that cold when compared to Maine or Michigan, but you have to remember I haven�t lived up north in over three years now. How sad, I know.

My life consist of working and sarcastic humor, but last night I was on an impulse whim. After Dinner last night we went to Wal-Mart, with no intention of spending fifty bucks, but it just happens that way for me, I always find something I �need�. Hardly need would be more like it. And I kick myself in the butt when I get home and say �now why did I just spend that much money? Why do I insist on buying a thirty dollar shower head? I�m so impulsive. Bad Sommer. I actually did want to buy Oso a sweater but Mike insist it�s a ridiculous concept: dogs in clothes. But it�s okay they didn�t have any in Oso size anyway (xs).

Here�s some random thoughts for you Mr. Diary�.

Why did I count seven mullets today and not take a picture of one?
Why is it that the only people that hit on me are old, or tattooed or a convicted felon?
Why does Reena tells so many lies and think people believe her� or better yet, I think it�ll be funnier to let her keep lying and me just write about them! I shall dub thee �Chronicles of Rena.�
Why does Tim think that all gay men are interior decorators? It�s not true!

Well I shall close with that, and maybe I will take some pictures of wild mullet.