Maybe It Can Pan Itself Out.

August 06, 2005 10:49 p.m.

I called my work this morning at 8am, after just making two hours of sleep. I told them my white lie and went on my way to bed... I called later tonight and spoke with my other manager to explain things to him, and he was so sweet and nice; which in turn made my conscience come into full swing, but hey, I don't really have a choice here I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I apologized several times for needing to move, and he kept saying "No, No. Family comes first, don't worry about it." And before I had the chance to even mention a transfer, he told me that he would be glad to transfer/refer me to another store, and build me up over there, according to him "I'm a fantastic worker, and anyone would be glad to have me." It was a nice ego boost, oh and also good news ^^.

I also reapplied at Blockbuster and called my friend Tim to ask him if I passed the personality test, because they use some wicked psychology on those test. He went and looked at the application (it gets faxed to the store you apply at) and he said "Yeah you passed, but you put down all Blockbuster people as your references." Heh. Well duh (I hate that word, I don't know why I just used it)! Having them as my refrences makes me look that much better lol. Honestly I don't want to go back to Blockbuster, I can't stand it there on the weekends, and working every holiday known to man, but I gotta do what I gotta do. Just about the only thing I wont do for a paycheck is turn tricks at the local Star Motel or test some new shark repellent. So hopefully the transfer to another store will be quick and easy.

I just so happen to agree with a lot of people that I have been talking to and who have left me notes, and signage. I think moving back to Florida is meant to be, and that something good will come of this. I'll be closer to my family, and if/when Jera goes to jail I'll be able to visit him at least once a week. I also don't have to change my license plate! Sweet. Well I need to continue to pack and prepare for Oso to throw up all over in my car again on the way down there. Thanks everyone for your notes of support, they really do mean a lot to me.

And I Quote: "I'll be honest with you, I love his music, I do, I'm a Michael Bolton fan. For my money, it doesn't get any better than when he sings "When a Man Loves a Woman". -Bob Slydell; Office Space