Name That Smell!

July 30, 2005 12:04 a.m.

Work sucked because I couldn't stop yawning! I was so tired and hating lifethis evening, but I got paid, so it did have it's brighter side. Mike started working at Office Depot today, I have a feeling he already hates it. Something about customers and selling *shrugs* but who does like customers anyway? Especially the assholes.

I drove a mentally handicap guy home tonight from work with my friend/coworker Anthony. I would've never given him a ride if I would've known he smelt like burnt asparagus. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself it was. It gave me such a sinus-like headache! Never again. Another note, I have three still open for grabs.

And I quote: "I wont go into detail because, hey, no reason to go broadcasting my sociopathy." -WickedCrazy