Cut That Out.

July 28, 2005 10:55 p.m.

I wonder how many times I'm going to say "Well, they fixed our A/C today" and how many more times I'll say "Well, our A/C is broke again." So I think I just won't mention it anymore because even reading the old entries makes me mad at how hot I was. Hot not Hott. But I do have a big ass, and not ugly fat ass either, just rounded and shapely. Okay I have that out of the way now.

Tonight Work was great per usual, I talked to Tari (my front End Manager) and she said I could get my transfer to another store (closest to my apartment) in two more weeks from today *yay* I need it. The thirty minute drive is awful on my car. If I transfer to the store closest to my apartment it will be right next to Mike's work, and we won't have to stress out about sharing the car too much. That'd be a nice needed weight lifted from my shoulders.

Does anyone have a DDR machine they don't want anymore? I want one super bad, but I'm super broke. I need to burn some calories... Speaking of calories, I burned some today by taking a couple laps in the pool and the water was oh so warm and the even better part of swimming: No Kids. It was so awesome not to be "cannon-balled." I rather enjoyed myself. Though, what I don't enjoy is lately Oso gets so excited to see me he pees! Not a lot, just a little, but enough to anger me... Yesterday he got so excited I picked him up and he drizzled on my leg. Ugh, I need to buy him some doggie diapers. Oh yeah and he also sneezes when he gets excited, hah, he has some doggie issues.

And I Quote: "I am an optimist. But I'm an optimist who takes his raincoat." -Harold Wilson