The Return of Sommer.

October 05, 2004 8:59 p.m.

So I decided to Offficially Return to Diaryland. A new outlook, a new love and a new entry -_^.

And this is how I start.... It's not even 9 o'clock and I already feel dead. I feel so... old. I've been a bit emotional lately when I told my mom that what was her immediate reaction? "Maybe you're pregnant?" Unfortunately I wasted $8 bucks on a test just to confirm what I already knew. I am not. I think it all has to do with the stress of work and the huge step I've taken in my life moving out with Mike. He's wonderful though and a great roomie ^_^ ON another note: I changed the layout of this place I was going to design one myself but I came across this one and had a good feeling about it :o) Kind of like when I find a good porn. Hope it's better for your browser Matt. Goodnight.