A Short Happy List.

October 08, 2004 12:11 p.m.

There's been something that has really been bothering me lately. I just can�t seem to pinpoint it. Stress of moving out and bills that come in every third day I�m sure are the cause of come of it. There are a few things that do make me happy� I heard somewhere that it�s therapeutic to make a list of things that make you most happy and whenever you�re feeling down just to go back and refer to that list. Cheesy, maybe, but it can�t hurt anything. Here I go (in no particular order)�

[1] Mike ( I love him so much)

[2] My Mom (I literally would go insane without her)

[3] My Aunt Mary (she has a way w/ putting things)

[4] The rest of my family of course

[5] Having a decent paying job

[6] Making it on my own(well Mike does help A LOT)

[7] Having Oso November 2nd (click the link)

[8] I like my Car (there�s just a few things I would change)

[9] Having a diary again, it feels like I�ve come back home.

[10] Owning every single Johnny Depp Movie (except the ones not available on DVD� yet)

[11] Knowing some of the diarist have not forgot about me ^_^

[12] My best friend Holly moving down here in March

[13] I like my job, so being there sometimes makes me happy

[14] Sleeping in on Friday morning

[15] Mom�s Spaghetti

[16] That you�ve read all of this so far

That�s all I can really think of at the time, but I�m sure I�m missing
some. That actually did help, maybe that phil guy is on to something.

[edit 10.09.04 @ 1:07pm] I realize now that I forgot to add some things to my list, and my list is pretty short so I better try and make it look like it's semi-long!

[17] All my close friends: Tim G, Tim M, Alyssa, Jay & Sabrina.

[18] And of course all gay men make me happy!