Yes, I said you suck.

March 25, 2006 12:43 p.m.

I don't understand how some Diarylanders can update everyday. They make an effort to write every single day even if it's the most boring piece of shit I've ever read, they still made that effort. My theory is: Most of them, lead very boring existences, social life is declining, their sporadic side is depleting so why not write an entry on Diaryland, maybe someone will listen, maybe someone will care and we know no one is mean enough to tell me my shit's boring. So yes, let me write every single day, I'll even tell you about my dog taking a poop outside. I don't get it myself. There has to be something out there that pulls them away from Diaryland for at least 2 days in a row, are you seriously that bored? Maybe these people are just super dedicated to their diary, and feel it's necessary to write about every stupid little thing that happened to them on the way to the grocery store...

Honestly, I don't get it.

Maybe my theory is wrong? It probably is, as I am wrong on a lot of topics, but that's the best I can come up with. What sparked this entry you ask?

Last night, while Mike was playing an RPG on Tim's computer, no one on my buddy list had updated, so of course not having a job and it being eleven o'clock at night, I was bored so I decided I'd go cruising around the other members who updated, the first 5 I clicked on were in Chinese, no luck. Then that's when it started, one boring diary after the other, I must've read about 25 diaries, I think most of them were about 16 since they talked about lunch hour, girls fighting and random cute boys. A few diaries I gave a second chance, I went into their archives and read a few more entries, still boring. What amazed me is that these people update every fucking day! Surely there is something more interesting to do than write about how boring your day was...

Now, before you raise your fist in anger and in defense, let me say, I know it's their diary and that they can be as boring as they want, but why? Why remember all the drivel? Is it really that important? Now I'm not saying my diary is the most amazing thing I've ever read, even I get bored by my constant whining, but at least I don't blast my diary everyday with the stupid little things. I think the big picture is more worthy of taking time out of your day to write about than the silly inconsequential things.

Well I've went on about it long enough, and I feel better about touching on the subject.

Oh yeah by the way, my dog just took a poop oustide.