Waiting, Hoping, Sleeping....

February 15, 2006 11:50 a.m.

Well the frog did make it through the night! She is nocturnal so has been doing all her activities at night. As soon as it's warm enough to release her back outside, I'll do so. Thanks for all the high hopes you guys gave me.

Today is again, my day off. Now, I told Lydia I can't work Wednesday nights because of LOST so she's been doing good on scheduling me off at night. So of course it's my day off so I was planning on sleeping in till about noon-ish, then I hear BANG BANG on my door "Maintenance!" I still didn't move I just wrapped myself in a blanket, and covered my head. I figured they were doing something downstairs, but of course not, they came right into my room! I suppose the dude saw me sleeping so he creped out all quiet like, but now I have no idea why they were coming into my room. But yes, that is how much I love my sleep, I will not budge for nothing! But now I'm awake and have resorted to cleaning instead of falling back asleep.

Valentines Day was good, I spent it with Mike of course. Poor guy didn't get any last night. Can you believe I was "too tired," man I'm feeling old. Other than that the night went swell. I received no Flowers or candy from Mike, because he knows I hate all flowers, and that Chocolate is a bad, evil, demonic food. Instead I just used his money to buy myself some things for my room. I'm such a good girlfriend. From me he received a USB thingamajig for his computer. We're not hearts and flowers people.

Today is my last day off for one week! That's correct, I work Thursday through Wednesday, and then I start my vacation (Holly will be here) so I doubt I'll be updating for a couple weeks, but we'll see. I always end up saying one thing and doing another. Have a good February!

And I Quote: (Slaps Teacher) ...and that's for wearing blue socks with purple pants! EWWWWW!!! -Stewie Griffin; Family Guy