Oh What a Night.

June 11, 2006 1:33 a.m.

I hope moving is quick and painless; I am so exhausted mentally with all the stress that goes along with moving. I think since I've been on Diaryland I've moved 8+ times since 2002. Sadly... 4 times have been completely on my own... it's nice to get a little help once in a while.

Tonight we were at Dunking Donuts, and I said something involving old people and assassinating the president, I don't even remember what the hell it was about but Mike and Tim moved away from me, and said, "You said it not me." Apparently, if I say it, I can get in real trouble. Well guess what, it's on the internet now, oh-no! If I am their biggest threat then they have some real fucking issues on their hands.

I swam for a long time today we went into the pool at about 3:30 pm and didn't leave it till 8:22 pm. Great news for freshly dyed hair, eh? I'm a very aquatic person I love to be in the water and swimming, there's something very relaxing about holding my breath till the point I almost drown. It's a rush to go in the deep end and hope I can come up in time. I never really even came close to drowning in my life, but I like to push my lungs like that, it's good for cardio!

I posted some pictures of me under the pictures link in the extras section, but for all the lazy people who don't want to take the time to navigate through the site you can just click here, for your lazy-assness convenience.