Nick of Time.

August 09, 2006 12:44 a.m.

I wish I had time to update this blasted thing! So much has happened since I last wrote in here... The things that are happening I kind of want to forget, so I'm not sure if I want to write about them. But I can say this: I am actively job seeking! I know, I know... I've had so many jobs since Blockbuster (well okay only three in ther past four months). I just can't stand working with stupid people, but I guess the reality of that is: I will always be surrounded by stupid people no matter where I work! So yes, I quit the Bank and have a new job but I'm looking for a newer one, my boss is an idiot, er I mean... a lovely young lady.

I'm hoping that later today I can write a real entry, just don't hold your breath (I don't want to be the person responsible for your death)! Oh yeah, my classes got pushed back to September! The government apparently is having issues with giving me money.