An Epiphany of Sorts.

September 13, 2007 2:26 p.m.

My mom called me and told me (on Wednesday or Tuesday), a guy was on his motorcycle and was speeding, he didn't see a van doing a U-turn and the motorcycilist was going to fast too break and flew off his bike and went right through the winshield of the van, I assume he died on impact. My mom said she could see everything and that is was "really bad" and "surprised they sould make out the driver of the motorcycle, he was only 27" She also proceeded to tell me that the guy in the van was okay...

I responded with my sad voice and said "Oh wow, that sucks" :[

And then that was that. I hung up. My dad died the same way when I was 10 years old. So you would think that this would make me an emotional wreck, but I figured... he's a stranger who died, that sucks, but it doesn't really affect me.


Today (Thursday) I got an email from Mike (cause I dont take personal calls at work). He said his friend Tugger died in a wreck.

I instantly assumed since he hadn't seen or talked to Tugger in a long time that Tugger had died a while ago.... and I responded again, with my overly used response of "That sucks" ...

He writes me another email...

"His service is Saturday."

Ocala is pretty small so word travels pretty fast and I hadn't heard of any other accidents. I asked all the necessary questions: Did Tugger drive a motorcycle? Was he 27?

It all added up. It was Mike's friend that my mom had seen in that accident. I instantly had a sinking in my stomach. I battled with my mind as I thought... what if that would've been my mom, my brother, my sister, Mike or even me?! I had guilt all over my face and in my heart, I felt guilty for not showing more compassion and concern...

How quickly life can be taken, and who will remember me when I die?

Is it selfish to only realize the value of the lives around you, only when a life has been taken? Or even to realize that your life may have no real value or meaning?

A sort of epiphany if you will.

I don't know if you believe in God, but I do and I will pray for his family, his love, his friends.

And I hope that all of our lives mean more to others than even we know.
