I'm 8 days late, but I'm on the Wagon!

January 08, 2008 12:17 p.m.

Almost everyone makes New Year�s resolutions� well I am jumping on that wagon, and hoping not to fall off of it. The things I want to do before 2009 are as follows:

#1, yes it�s predictable, it�s 90% of America�s #1 resolution�


One of my best friends and I joined Weight Watchers on January 3rd this year and hope that it will help us in our weight loss journey and enforce positive changes in our life. We were told that we should lose at least 1-2lbs a week. Well I lost 6lbs in 6 days, and I didn�t exercise, I simply started by changing my eating habits, it�s scary how much bad things I was putting in my body. I hope to be down at least 60lbs by 2009, which is a little over a pound a week. I�m excited about what changes this will make to my life.

#2, should be #2 and #3 and is an extension of #1� lol


I am so bad at this, I want to exercise but I never make time for myself to do this, but I know I have to if I want to be a healthier me. I am dedicating at least 3 hours a week to excersizing, this will be a lot easier now that we have a pool at our house! :)

#3, Part of living is enjoying life, so my #3 is


Taking vacations, having more time just one on one with Michael. Visiting and doing things that I have not done at all or lately, like camping, it�s been forever since I went camping! Travel out of state, just because we can� It doesn�t take a lot of money to have a lot of fun!

#4, Sticks and Stones! Bite your tongue.


Most people who know me, know that I can be quite blunt, which some mistake as bitchy-ness. I can say and do hurtful things, without even meaning to! I have to show more affection towards Michael and consideration towards my friends and family. Countless times in 2007 I was told to not to mention certain things to people, to basically sensor myself, so I am going to try a lot harder this year� This probably means I should tone down my sarcasm.

#5, Do I really care about Britney Spears?


I am a BIG Sitcom fan, and love to watch TV, I was doing it about 3-4 hours a day. That�s not healthy at all! My family, friends, animals and myself is the reason I want to cut back on the television. GRANTED, I can�t NOT watch LOST or Heroes, but that right there is on only 2 hours a week. I can deal.

#6, I didn�t really do one thing all of 2006 and 2007!!


I know it sounds like a weird goal/resolution to have, but I use to read a book a day, and now I�m finding it hard to read a magazine article every month! Reading helps memory and vocabulary as well as opens up your imagination, all of which I could benefit more from! I�m open to any book suggestions!

#7, If I care enough to pass, I will.


I just switched my major this year from Education to Human Resource Management, which basically means I start all over again! I�m not too happy about being in school until 2012, but I can graduate as early as 2010, so I�m going to try to keep on top of my studies, and get it over with, while maintain a B average! I just hope that this is what I really want to do!

I am confident that these are all attainable achievable goals. With a little self-encouragement and some follow-through, I can do this. I am so happy it�s 2008! Look out 2009!