No Lingering.

January 31, 2003 10:04 a.m.

Wow, it's amazing I'm getting a chance to make an entry. John and my mom went to rent a storage unit. We're supposedly moving, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. Although I would love to get out of this small house, I just don't see it happening. I've packed almost everything I own, which took up the entire three boxes. One box was just packed full of Lord of the Rings merchandise and my vinyl misfits collection. I don�t have a record player so there is no use in keeping them out. We have a lot more room in the house because everything has made its way to the storage unit. Don't worry� if we move I'll still have the most precious of commodities, the computer, heh.

Am I the only one that knows about mint M&M�s? They're kick ass, and really good, in my humble opinion. We have two bags still left over from Christmas, I'm trying to ration them out so that we have them for a while. I guess Mars (the candy company) only releases those M&M�s around the holiday seasons. This sucks, because I really like them. I guess it's best for me not to eat them anyway, it will only go to the thighs. All girls know what I�m talking about.

I belatedly went to see the elf dog Arwen. At first I was looking forward to it, but when Alexis and I walked up to their house, I guess they didn't see me, they were dragging her out of the house and chaining her up on their porch. The boy that dragged her out looked as though he was going to hit her, that�s when I spoke up and said 'hi'. He turned and said 'hi' in an awkward tone, because he had no idea who I was, so I explained to him, and was welcomed on their porch to see her. She was covered in mud, and cold. I asked why she was all muddy and the mom came out and said they were draining the swimming pool and Arwen went out and was running through the water. I felt so bad for her, than realized how mischievous Arwen had been when I had her. So I forced a smile.

The boy�s mother said "You need to give her a bath." I thought it was a rather funny coincidence that I had brought the puppy shampoo I forgot to give them when they first came to pick her up. I stuck around for a while and pet Arwen, even though she in return got me all muddy. She whined and pulled at her chain, as if she wanted to come with me. But after talking to all six of the ladies kids, I convinced myself Arwen had a good home. The kids loved her, they were bringing her in to give her a bath as I left. I miss her a lot, but I can go see her whenever I want. I'm happy about that. My mind was toying with my heart is what it was. I wanted to believe she was being mistreated so I could snatch her back up. And take her back home. I'�m glad she has so many kids to play with. She�ll be happy there, and I've finally come to peace with that.

What really riled me, is that my mom said I had to get rid of Arwen because the house is too small, and she was chewing things up... but now we�re supposedly moving into a much bigger house with a fenced in yard. But anyhow I'll try my best not to ask "what if". It does not do good to dwell on the past , as I�ve heard before.

Oh yes, I must not forget to tell you all about my �interview� with Dial America. Well, I had went in to dial America for my �interview� and I only brought a copy of my Social Security card, so after sitting there for 35 minutes I went to go in, and I couldn�t even get through the door without an official Social Security card. That pissed me off, but I�m glad I was there I was able to observe how they run things. They yell at the person while they�re on the phone trying to make a sell �Come on sell two more in two minutes, let�s go people�. My first thought �Aw, Hell no.� So I didn�t go back to get an official interview, that is definitely not my type of work. So Monday I get to go Job hunting again. I�m seriously considering moving up with Vikki, and working there. There is nothing here... at all. I hate Florida with a passion.

Quote of the Moment: "It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not." --James Gordon, M.D.