That's For Remembrance

February 03, 2003 1:59 p.m.

Last night I actually adventured out of the house. My brother and sister too. I drove to Wal-Mart, (the store run by commies), but it�s better then the mall I suppose. It�s inevitable, that if I�m in wal-mart, I�ll be back in electronics. As I walking towards the electronics, I had to pass the valentines stuff, I hated it, it made me miss having someone �in my life�. Out of the corner of my eye I saw some Lord of the Rings foil valentine cards! They instantly cheered me up, as does anything LotR related. Alexis picked out Sponge Bob and Rocket Power valentines. I have to admit, I like Sponge Bob =o). They had so many cards, but I had to have the LotR valentines, so I bought them. I have no idea what I�ll do with thirty of them, but hey I have them� if you want one I�ll send one to you lol.

We did some Grocery shopping and then I went and played Dead or Alive- Xtreme Beach Volleyball, on there �sample� system. I didn�t like it that much, you could finish the entire game in hours; not my type of game. So we went to Toys �R� Us to see if they had any better X-Box games, and they didn�t, bummer. So I was left with nothing to do last night. I was so bored I downloaded �About A Boy�, I�ll probably watch it tonight, does anyone know if it�s good? I guess it doesn�t really matter if it�s good or not, I have nothing better to do with my time anyhow.

I was so incredibly sick this morning, I was nauseated and I thought it was from the fish sticks I consumed last night. I still don�t know what triggered that feeling, but it was awful, it didn�t help that John and Jera kept telling me it was �Morning Sickness� (they were referring to pregnancy). I wanted to punch them in their faces. I was so mad I almost yelled �You had to have sex to have morning sickness, dumbass.� But I didn�t feel I had to tell them anything about my sex life, or lack there of. I just tried to suck it up. I hate bitching to my family members, they always throw it back in my face. I�ve learned not to say anything remotely personal to them, for they can�t keep a secret either.

I�m feeling better now, but puzzled as to why I felt bad in the first place. Another unsolved mystery. I have a lot of those� My mom�s friend and she were looking at older stuff and my mom found my autographed Jim Carrey picture!!! I am so happy! I thought someone stole that from me ages ago! It says "spank you very much -Jim Carrey". Wow, I'm happy. It's now in my photo album. They're now looking at old cards and stuff I sent my mom and poems I wrote a long time ago... Eeek, which that�s my cue to leave the living room!

Quote of the Moment: "Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant, and she fell on me. Then it wouldn't seem quite so funny."
--Jack Handey Deep Thoughts