One Of Several Reasons.

February 05, 2003 9:05 a.m.

I originally started writing an e-mail to Jay, and I decided at the last minute to post an entry about it instead. This way I can share with you why I hate my "family", well not hate but strongly dislike at moments. What most of you don't know is that I don�t have a bedroom, when I moved from Detroit to come stay with my mom in Florida, I had no idea the living room would be my 'living situation'. Every morning that my sister has school, I wake my happy ass up and out of �bed� (better known as our second couch), to get her up and ready for the school day. So I am awake at six in the morning, and by the time ten p.m. comes, I�m ready for sleep.

Does my need for sleep cross into my parent's inconsiderate minds? Well of course not, why that would be respecting my needs. And God forbid that should happen. I turned off the lights and turned off the T.V., snuggled under my blanket, and just as I was about to fall asleep, the light was turned on, and not the lamp� a light that could light up the Sin City. So I�m laying there on a lumpy ass couch, with a blinding light shining in my face. They can�t deny they saw my frustration, but of course that didn�t stop them. As I was trying to ignore the light and the uncomfortable couch, the T.V. clicked on. So now I definitely couldn�t go to sleep, I was angry, irritated and annoyed.

What topped the night off, was that they were both smoking, and I am allergic to smoke, I can�t breathe and my head throbs when I inhale smoke, for that same reason "Mary-Jane" and I aren�t friends. And they both knew of this. I got up and walked outside before I started feeling sick from all of it. It was cold outside so I couldn�t very well stay out there. I came back in and they printing on the computer, ugh! We have the loudest printer, ever, this is not an exaggeration; it sounds like a washing machine! I tried to ignore everything up till that point, but I just couldn�t. I yelled � and I quote "You two are inconsiderate, chain smoking, intolerable, unacceptable poor excuses for parents!" end quote. They just looked at me, they were both dumbfounded.

I laid back down on the couch and covered my entire body with the blanket, and in less then two minutes they turned everything off and went into their room, not saying a word to me. I can�t say I�m not glad. Because I was a happy camper after that. I fell asleep almost immediately. This morning they are giving me the 'cold shoulder'. I guess they want an apology, well it never hurts to want. They�re definitely not getting an apology. So yeah, that�s one of my many reasons of why I hate my life. I hope I get hired at Cedar Point that way I can move far, far away, I disdain this place.