Kids Named Matt.

December 01, 2002 11:49 p.m.

Tonight was beyond great. Matter of fact this whole weekend has been good to me! I got to talk to Matt (again) only this time for a long while. And then I got 20 bucks for watching two kids that I adore. I got home, and came online and Ashley told me to come over. So I rode my bike to Ash�s house and Matt (her boyfriend, not the Matt I usually talk about) was there, we sat around and talked a while just to catch up on things. It turns out Ash crashed her ped. Well she didn�t crash it a friend of hers crashed it but she said she did, so her mom wouldn�t be that angry. We sat around for about an hour then Travis came over (the Swedish dancer). Travis is all sorts of crazy, but a good person. He was the only other person there that was over 17 besides me. So we kept getting sent up the road for smokes.

I�m not going to put a lot of Travis� business out here in diaryland, but lets just say Travis lacks a home as of last night. So he�s living with Ash which is so cool. If I could live with someone Ash would definitely be the person. We all walked around my neighborhood which Ashley kept saying looked like a fake neighborhood because everything was so �perfect�. Hehe. It�s far from perfect though. Travis broke the chain on my bike because he�s a goober, but luckily for me Matt fixed it. Oh boy I got to get a nick name for Matt, Ash�s�s too confusing knowing 3 Matt�s. I�ll think up one later, and get it okayed by him =). Now where was I? Oh yeah we came back to my house to try and make a tattoo gun cause Travis wanted a tattoo, and when you�re broke you can�t pay for these things, lol. Well he never got the tattoo gun thing down, but I think that was for the best.

The worst part of my night had to be when Travis tried to write on me with permanent marker! I guess he didn�t know that I�m not a wimp, because I yanked it from him and held him down and he�s yelling at Matt �Matt help, get her�, so Matt this 115lb 16 year old kid jumped on me and I pinned him and wrote on him with the marker lol. Travis said �How the hell did she manage to pin you too?� I got Travis good too, but unfortunately I had lent Travis my hoody and accidentally marked on my Independent hoody with permanent marker, so I�m kind of still upset about that, but later I�ll try and wash it out. When I was done with the marker I gave it to Ash to hide and Travis goes �I bet you beat people up?!� Lol. It was the funniest thing I had heard in a long time. But not far from the past truth. I�ve changed my ways though�which is by all means a good thing. But I can be over powering at times, yet another flaw I find in myself.

Oh as if me having fun wasn�t enough to end my good weekend�we also set up our Christmas tree tonight and strung the lights it looks very pretty and it stands about 8 feet tall. It�s gorgeous! I can�t wait for Christmas; it�s only 24 days away! *smiles* Well everyone sleep needs me, and God knows I need sleep too.

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Quote Of The Moment: "He who has a thousand friends, has not a friend to spare, While he who has one enemy Shall meet him everywhere." --Ralph Waldo Emerson