Fucking Commercials!

January 06, 2003 2:01 p.m.

I was really happy at 10 o�clock tonight, because USA was airing the season premiere of "The Dead Zone", I think Anthony Michael Hall is wonderful! I remember seeing the young him with Chevy Chase in all the earlier National Lampoons flicks, which were hilarious, well in my humble opinion they were. Oh yeah my mom bought Triple X on DVD, the plot itself sucks, as does the entire script, but the action made it worth watching. Is it just me or does Vin Diesel look like a bulldog and sound like a horse? *shrugs* I don�t see how girls like him, I�ll never understand.

That Joe Millionaire commercial is getting on my last nerve they play it in sequence *every other commercial* on FOX, it�s getting old, fast. Along with the American Idol commercial, I guess you can plainly see what channel I am usually watching. Actually �Just Shoot Me� is on now, and I have nothing better to do, so I�ll go watch David Spade in action =)

My brother and John keep playing on the Xbox. I think it's time for me to regulate and tell them who's bed they're sitting on! Yes it's true I sleep on the couch, and I don't wake up in a good mood all the time, and there are days where I have really bad hair days. Tis true, I am not perfect! Alas, I have found meaning to my life, and it doesn't involve trying to pacify others. In the infamous words of Jimmy Eat World (okay so maybe not infamous) "It just takes some time."