A New Years Eve.

December 31, 2002 2:59 p.m.

Holly loves me! She bought me the Lord of the Rings DVD from my Amazon Wish list! Thank you so much Holly, you made my month! Thanks to Vikki too. I'm looking forward to that James Patterson book *smiles*

I ended up staying awake until four this morning, I fell asleep watching "Forever Young" on TBS. That movie is really sad, another tear jerker I should get on Digital Video =) Only one more day and then it'll be the year two-thousand and three. That�s a pretty big number. I just find it interesting to say "I saw the turn of the millennium" a lot of people can say that, but not the younger bunch, anyway I have no idea where I was going with this so I will just abruptly end this nonsense.

Oh wait I just remembered...it was because I wanted to tell everyone to have a Happy New Year. Heh, it�s early for me, therefore I am entitled to have my share of temporary short-term memory loss. I was just going to go to each diary individually and leave a more personal greeting, but I've had a last minute change of mind. I hope everyone has fun! More then likely I'll be with Ash, but I usually don't know what's going on one minute from the next...play by ear basically.