Wow, I'm such a charmer!

July 25, 2008 1:34 p.m.

Well things are starting to look up once again for the world of Sommer. I was finally able to get Mike into his own car so now it feels like I can go where I want, when I want. But you all know me; I am a Jew and won't want to pay for gas, in actuality, I can't pay for gas, I make less than the damn lunch ladies...

Anyway, the one guy I dated that I wrote about in my last blog I've cut that off. I'm more afraid of hurting his feelings than my own, and I guess I have a self-deprecating outlook on myself and think that everything I surround myself with will eventually turn to shit. So I did what I do best and put my guard back up. I think our personalities were a little conflicting as well and that scares me because I would hate to have someone invest time in me and nothing come of it. Which I told said guy. *sighs*

I wish I had a crystal ball.

I'm also afraid of turning into a rebound. That cannot happen. So I'm taking my own advice and working on myself now.

I woke up today and said: I have two choices; I can make this a good day and be in a good mood. OR I can make this a bad day and be in a bad mood.

I chose Good day.