Georgia Times

June 20, 2005 1:22 p.m.

I read somewhere that it�s bad to put a PLUG in at the beginning of your entry because then people will click it and not finish reading your entry. Anyhow here I go with my meaningless chatter... When I moved to Georgia, I made a few pretty big Assumptions:

1) White people are the minority.
2) The drivers here are crazy Rubberneckers.
3) Se Hablo Espanol.

Or at least, I thought they were just assumptions, and like most assumptions of mine, I would be proven wrong, pshyeah. I was NOT wrong. I really do not like it here, I need to learn Spanish to live here and I�ve almost been blindsided 2 dozen times. And it does no good to flip a driver off, because they only see straight ahead, so oblivious that there are other cars on the road. I miss living in the White side of Suburbia; I�m constantly trying to figure out what the Hispanic community (all of North Georgia) is saying. Needless to say, unless Mike gets a job working for Corporate fucking America making mad cash, I�m outta here as soon as this lease is up!

Okay I�m done.

And I Quote: "Ya gots to work with what you gots to work with". - Stevie Wonder