Moving Back.

June 26, 2005 2:15 p.m.

The inevitable has happened� We are moving back to Florida, after much consideration and obvious failure here, we have decided it is best to leave. We don�t want to have to struggle month after month to make ends meet here. What does this mean? To me it means two things. One is that I will have to live with my mom whom I love, but bitches about every little thing. And I will have to sleep on the bottom bunk of my 12 year old sister�s room and Mike will have to sleep on the living room couch. It sucks. The second big thing: living with dial-up connection and a little sister who loves to be on the computer.

What this means for me & you is: Very little updates here in Diaryland. Yes, I know, sad right? Mike will need the computer to do his online classes and Alexis (little sister) will fight to be on it as much as she can. Bastard kids enjoying their Summer Vacation! June 30th, we will be battling the Atlanta traffic and driving the dreaded Uhaul all for the sake of moving back to Florida. Hopefully we can do better there. Hopefully. I�m not looking forward to seeing all the people that I left behind, it�s kinda like going back to High School for me. I�ll be back with an update, just don�t expect it to be very soon. Mike made an entry on this too.

Well I need to start packing, the 30th is not that far off! You can email me if you want.

Bon Voyage for now ;)

And I Quote: "We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated." -Maya Angelou