
June 27, 2005 1:32 a.m.

Damn, maybe prayer does work? I�m not moving, I repeat not moving! I was all packed and ready to and was going to reserve our U-haul. I called my mom and let her know that it was definite that we were coming back, and then she made up some rules (understandable). When I was talking to her though I really felt like Mike was unwanted, like she didn�t want him there, even though she never said those exact words� You can usually tell by people�s tone of voice.

So I told Mike the rules and what they had to say and he called his parents to let them know what was going on. Let�s just say Mike�s Dad was not happy that Mike would be moving back to Ocala. Ocala�s pay out for employment is really low (minimum wage), and he wants Mike to stay here where there is more opportunities. And Mike and I were in total agreement, the funds part is what we lacked to stay here.

Basically, what it boiled down to is Mike�s parents are going to send us more money to help alleviate some bills and stress off our shoulders. They're so incredibly nice and giving and I, well I am happy, so happy! I get to keep my cable internet too! Hooray! Now I just finished cleaning the house after all the mess I made unpacking. If only our air conditioning was working then the night would have been complete.

I appreciate all of you guys wishing me luck! I appreciate it so much here�s some plugs :o) lol. Maaike, John, Pastagirl, Ciel, Ives, Kelly and Gaby (locked)!

And I Quote: "Money isn't everything but it sure keeps you in touch with your children." -J. Paul Getty