Egg Nog.

November 23, 2005 12:47 a.m.

Tim and I are cleaning the apartment from top to bottom today, because we both work on Thanksgiving, but I�ll be home by four, so he�ll have most of the food ready and we�ll be eating by 5:30. We�re expecting about twelve people now and Tim is hanging up Christmas lights as I type this, we want to make the place look as nice and festive as we can. You know, we have to impress people and all with our house because I�m sure they wont be impressed by the food. I can�t wait for Thursday to get here and be done with.

I invited my friend Freddy, who called me up at 6am yesterday morning to tell me he has the XBOX 360. I warned him to never call me so early again! He also told me that I need to hook him up with one of my other gay guy friends. Tim told me that I need to find him a man too� What am I Love Connection? Find your own damn date. So anyway Freddy will be coming over for Thanksgiving and entertaining the straight guys with his new toy (the 360), while us girls gab away about meaningless crap, because that�s all girls and guys usually talk about anyhow.

Going back to the Xbox 360� I honestly don�t see what all the hype is about and there is no way I would spend four-hundred dollars on a game console, screw that. Lydia, my store manager, told me that when she pulled up to the store at 7am yesterday morning and a guy walked up to her and asked if she worked at the store he was waiting in front of. She said yes, and he continued to tell her that he had been there since 4am to get the X360 from us. Lydia replied by saying �Well you�ll be waiting a long time because we don�t have one.� When Lydia told me that I started laughing and all day we were laughing at the expense of the other guy that had waited so long and we didn�t have what he wanted.

My Two Cents on the XBOX 360
1) Relax, there will be more, it's called supply and demand.
2) It is entirely too expensive.

I called Freddy back and told him the story about the guy waiting from 4am, but as soon as I got to the part when he asked if she worked there he said �Oh yeah that was me!� I told him we were laughing at his expense, and he said he didn�t care he just wanted the system, so he ended up buying it from Rhino�s. What a small world it si that we live in, who knows my neighbor may be Bill Gates, and maybe I'l get one of those 360's free? The possibilities are endless. Well I must get a good nights sleep to be fully functional and able to slave away tomorrow. Oh yeah, Happy Thanksgiving, don�t trust the egg nog.

And I Quote: An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day. -Irv Kupcinet