Great Times.

March 09, 2005 10:51 p.m.

So far this past two week has been like a roller coaster ride, and I think it�s better to sum it up in just the highlights (you can tell which are the Yay�s and Nay�s):

- 03.01 I received a promotion at my work making a $1.35 more than I was before.

- 03.03 Holly calls and tells me she bought a plane ticket to be here March 30-April 5th

- 03.04 I finished paying my mom off for my car.

- 03.07 My car starts to overheat.

- 03.08 I find out my car will be $2800. to fix when I only paid $2500 to own it!

- 03.08 I get declined to have the repairs financed, which means I have to come up with the money in three days. My friend tried for me too and she was declined :(

- 03.09 I go to a dealership and get approved for the bank to finance me a brand new car (but I was declined for repairs?! Weird.)

- 03.09 I had to call Holly and tell her I�m broke for now, so she needs to come down some other time and get her tickets refunded.

And that�s pretty much where I am right now: between a rock and a hard place and my head is pounding from thinking of it all, keep your fingers crossed for me, I need all the luck I can get!