I'm Not Certain, Of Anything.

December 29, 2004 7:46 p.m.

Sommer's New Year v.2005 Resolution: Get through January. Once that is accomplished I'll try that whole diet and exercise thing and see if it really does live up to its hype.

My life is an up-hill battle right now, I�m not sure what�s really going on, or where I�ll be in a week from now. It�s been well over a month now that Mike (my boyfriend) has not had a job... well... he had one at Wal-Mart but did not want to work there. Yes. I know; a job is a job! Everyone has been telling me. I have rent due on the first of the month. I�m not sure what I�m going to do. With today's society no one person with an average Joe job can survive on their own. Sadly, this includes me.

I don�t feel blessed in any way! Maybe I did something wrong to deserve all the stress and headache I have in my life?! The situation will ultimately result in moving back home and I do fear living with my mom again; I fear the patience I lack in things she says, but with Mike not having a job/money, a license or a car� I think I�ll end up having to break the lease and move back with my mom.

And to top my crappy month of December off: Mike was going to bike to work (if he found a job) but I guess he didn�t lock the bike up� so it was stolen :o( I really do not need this stress. I�m down to twenty bucks to last 2 weeks. Fuck. Stress in immense amounts has accompanied me everyday of this month...

Quote of the Moment: "When one admits that nothing is certain one must, I think, also admit that some things are much more nearly certain than others." --Bertrand Russell