Merry Holiday.

December 21, 2004 8:58 p.m.

I have the worst case of hiccups� you know the kind where you hiccup and can feel all your insides coming up through your esophagus? Yeah, those. They suck. Anyways, Christmas is almost here and I�m in most anticipation, even though I know I barely have any presents, that does kind of suck but I enjoy getting everyone else things, that the fun part for me.

It�s winter in Florida, and it feels like maybe the beginning of fall in Michigan. I miss it there so much with all the snow and smell (not the polluted smell� that smell is the strongest in Houston Texas.) It makes me wish I could just pack my bags and move, damn having responsibility and damn the man.

I don�t� want to be a scrooge so I�ll just go on with my entry� Since my work is open on Christmas and I have to be there, so, I will be having my family over for Christmas Eve and we will eat dinner and they will open all there presents from us. Its nice being moved out and having my own tree and my family come over to MY house. So in a nutshell: Happy Holidays + Sommer will be cooking + I miss Michigan.