The Critic in Me.

January 31, 2006 1:07 p.m.

I'm impatient and impulsive so I just went ahead and filed without two of my W2's. I didn't wait for all my W2's, because there it was only for like 2.5 months of labor, and I'd have to wait for those W2's to forward all the way to my new address. I am getting back a little over $1,000, which isn't bad compared to last year. Mike is still waiting on his W2's, which have to go through all the mail forwards we put in (three). Sadly, all the tax refund money is already spent. Damn bills.

I'm thinking This next paragraph brought out the Siskel in me:

On Saturday I went to the theater with Tim and saw Brokeback Mountain. The acting was good, the directing was good, the storyline was good. But for some reason I kept thinking 'rental' in my head, I was honestly a little bored through the entire picture. I liked it, and thought everything was good, but I'm glad I didn't have to pay to see it, Tim did. I think the fact that it was so hyped up put it way up there on my "Must See" list, but I would've just put it on the "good" list. Now I'm kind of hesitant to see Memoirs of a Geisha, because that is on my "Must See" list too... Oh before I forget everyone should rent a movie called Now & Forever; Here's the plot summary as told my

Against a backdrop of clashing cultures, John Myron and Angela Wilson find each other and over the years form a powerful bond. One tragic night, John rescues Angela from a wicked act of betrayal. Faced with its aftermath, Angela flees town, unaware that she has put into motion a dramatic and intense string of events that will forever change the course of their lives. Harboring a secret, John guides Angela to a shocking realization that will uncover the past. Now & Forever is a dramatic contemporary love story combining elements of spirituality, heart and integrity. They say sooner or later all love stories will end; Now & Forever is the exception...

Yes, I am a big mushy-movie lover, sue me. I guess I should be getting ready for another fun filled day of bitchy ass customers.