The Resolutions.

January 01, 2006 1:02 p.m.

It's 80 degrees outside, and we're going swimming! Some days I really do love Florida! I'll make this quick and post my New Years resolutions, like everyone else seems to have done.

Somstar's New Years Resolutions

1) Like 98% of America, it is to eat healthier and exercise more, henceforth, losing weight.
2) Be a little less sarcastic. This will probably be my hardest challenge ever.
3) Finish school and get a better job (by August!).
4) Teach Mike how to put the toilet seat down ALL the time.
5) Worry less about everything and focus more on the here and now.
6) Move out of the apartments, and buy a house.
7) Be friendlier and go out more.
8) But stop pretending 'going out' is a trip to Wal-Mart.
9) Have all my oral work done! My wisdom teeth and braces (again) ugh!
10) Quit being jealous of every girl that looks at Mike, and wanting to claw their eyes out and bang their heads into the ground. And on that note, quit being Jealous all together.

I think these resolutions are achievable, but we'll see.