So Fucking Random.

July 27, 2005 1:31 a.m.

Today is my last day off for over a week, which blows and makes me angry against the world. Or just the Corporate world. I requested a transfer to the store that was closer to my house. I can't even believe after only two weeks of work they agreed that I could transfer but "they would hate to lose me." That's right, I'm that good of an employee. I think it's because I only complain to my diary and to Mike. So my work doesn't have to deal with my bitching, because believe me you, I can definitely be bitchy and bitch. I did it on my last entry if you don't believe me. Ass.

I can say that things feel like they're getting better, now I know nothing has changed and I still need like boo-koos of dollars to get by this month, but I had a really good feeling this morning. I think that's a really good thing. Oh yeah, how come no one has commented on my layout?! What's a girl gotta do to get a few comments? I guess all 3 of my readers have become numb to my layout changing. Well I know for a fact this one will be up for at least a week! I know! I always had this weird desire to be on the psychic friends network with Dione Warwick(sp?). Too bad they went bankrupt, I could've bullshitted my way into that shit. $3.99 a minute. That should've been me.

And I Quote: "If you were my son, Mac, I would've smothered you by now." -Captain O'Hagan; Super Troopers