Some State Of Something.

June 16, 2005 2:07 p.m.

I�ve noticed something about all my entries: If I haven�t really done that much my entries are usually longer than average (four paragraphs), but if I have had no free time and been a busy person than my entries are very short (one to two paragraphs). So with that, I warn you: I haven�t really done that much.

I called in sick to work today, and I know I shouldn�t have since we need the money. I don�t know why but I feel miserable when I�m there and time goes by so slowly! An eight hour shift feels like sixteen hours. When I called work I talked to one of my co-workers that is looking after the GM department while my boss is on vacation, I told him �Hey, it�s Sommer, I just wanted to let you know that I�m not feeling good, I sent my boyfriend out to get me some medicine, so I might be late, but no matter what I will make up the eight hours somehow.� He just said �Oh, ok, well I�ll tell Mr.____.�

I feel so guilty now, but I am also feeling angry at myself for lowering my job standards and taking that job there. I want to go to work right now to make up for some lost time, but I�m not really feeling like I�d be much use to them at the present time. I�m feeling sluggish and like my mind just wants to sleep� I did attempt to vacuum the house but I couldn�t even make it to the first bedroom before I felt sleepy again. I think some of it has to do with me feeling a lot of anxiety which is probably leading to a mild depression, but I�m not Doogie Howser, MD either.

The GM department pretty much just has me and the other guy working it, so if I don�t show up or make-up my time than it�s just more weight on him and everything will start getting more and more behind. Tomorrow I�m scheduled 8-4, but I�m going to work 5-4, so at least that will give my conscience somewhat of a break. Another thing that I noticed yesterday was my bank account says it has $1600.00 in it, but it should only have about $300.00, so I looked at the deposits and stuff and we had a $1300.00 credit.
Should I just withdrawl the money and hope that no one notices it missing, or should I just leave it there and wait to see if they notice it? OR I could just tell the bank there�s been a mistake, but I�m not feeling to blatantly honest today :o/

I picked Mike up last night and we went to see Batman Begins at the Regal, only because I had a free admission ticket, otherwise I would�ve saw it at the cheap-o theater. My point is� Christian Bale is the best Batman there ever was, he did an awesome job and he kicked fucking ass, I loved it! Go see it.

Quote of the Moment: "They told me there was nothing out there, nothing to fear. But the night my parents were murdered I caught a glimpse of something. I've looked for it ever since. I went around the world, searched in all the shadows. And there is something out there in the darkness, something terrifying, something that will not stop until it gets revenge. [pause] Me." --Bruce Wayne; Batman Begins