Turkey And Muck.

November 28, 2004 5:55 p.m.

Thanksgiving was great! 3 hours pre-dinner I was at work when I received a phone call from my sister letting me know that my cousin Billy would be here to spend Thanksgiving with us. I was so excited, I told everyone at work, they all knew who I was talking about because he�s in the army and last year he was sent over seas to Iraq. He has a lot of war wounds from when his tank was blown up. He lost a huge chunk out of his leg, it�s pretty nasty, and schrap (sp?) metal still under parts of his skin, but he amazingly has good spirits about it. He�s my favorite cousin so it was nice to see him. I spent the holiday with my mom and step-dad, my sister, brother, boyfriend and my cousin. I probably gained 3 pounds and 1 inch.. round. :o/

Tim (gay Tim) was over my house on Wednesday night and we were on our way out the door to get some cider and pumpkin pie. We all loaded into my truck and then it just broke down. But oh no that wasn�t all of it. It broke down in the neighbors (that my mom just had it out with) driveway and it was pouring rain. The driveway is a dirt driveway, so when it does rain, it turns into a bunch of nasty muck. We eventually did get it out of their driveway but I was without my car for two days. That sucked. It was my fuel pump that broke, but John replaced it yesterday so it�s all good. Now I know why everyone says "Exploder" instead of Explorer. Bah.

Quote of the Moment: "It's just like Santa's workshop! Except it smells like mushrooms... and everyone looks like they wanna hurt me..." --Buddy; Elf